Each year over 300 local and regional Primary Care, Mental Health and AOD service providers convene to discuss best practices and current integration topics.
5th Annual
Primary Care & Behavioral Health Integration Summit
DECEMBER 10, 2014 | Jacobs Center | 9am – 4pm
The Summit is Sponsored by the County of San Diego, HHSA, Behavioral Health Services.
2014 Planning Committee Members
Marty Adelman, MA, CPRP, Council of Community Clinics
Nicole Howard, MPH, Council of Community Clinics
Nora Cole, MEd, Family Health Centers of San Diego
Julie A. Minardi, MEd, Council of Community Clinics
Shannon Jaccard, MBA, NAMI San Diego
Megan Partch, MA, Alpine Special Treatment Center, Inc
Gabe Rodarte, MD, Neighborhood Healthcare
James “Diego” Rogers, PhD, Community Research Foundation
Jim Schultz, MD, Neighborhood Healthcare
Michael Krelstein, MD, County of San Diego, BHS, HHSA
Lauren Chin, MPH, County of San Diego, BHS, HHSA
Shelly Tregembo, MA, County of San Diego, BHS, HHSA
Annette Witt, LCSW, UCSD, Gifford Clinic
Creston Davis, MFT, Vista Hill
Shannon Jackson, LPCC, Vista Hill
Deborah Skvarna, LMFT, Vista Hill SmartCare